Driving Directions to: The Hanalei Surfboard House 5459 Weke Road, Hanalei, HI 96714
- Driving time will take about 1 hour and 10 minutes (from Lihue Airport).
- Exiting Lihue Airport, turn right and head north on Kapule Highway #51 which becomes Kuhio Highway #56.
- Continue to drive north on Kuhio Hwy for 28 miles.
- After Princeville you’ll head down hill into Hanalei Valley, over the one lane bridge, past the taro fields and into Hanalei town.
- After the center of town (don't blink!), you'll see a football/soccer field and the green Waioli Church on the left. Make either your first right before the field onto Malolo Road (street sign is almost unreadable), or take the second right onto MahiMahi Road. If you pass the Church, you've gone too far...
- Drive to the stop sign and turn left onto Weke Road.
- You’ll pass two roads on your right that lead to the beach, shortly after the second, you’ll see the Hanalei Surfboard House on your left at 5459 Weke Road. You can’t miss the surfboard fence!
- Park in front of the rock wall in one of the 4 clearly marked parking spaces.
- See directions at mapquest.com